Cluster Hire
In Fall 2022
The College of Arts and Sciences at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill undertook a cluster hire in American Indian and Indigenous Studies. This initiative is part of the College’s commitment to advancing an innovative curriculum and expanding its outstanding and diverse faculty. The Working Group worked closely with the departments that conducted the faculty searches as part of this cluster hire, resulting in the appointments of Dr. Amanda Cobb-Greetham (American Studies), Ruth Matamoros Mercado (Geography), Jon Marcoux (Director, Research Labs of Archaeology), and Abelardo de la Cruz de la Cruz (Religious Studies). Faculty hired through this initiative will be crucial to the ongoing efforts of the Working Group to reimagine American Indian and Indigenous Studies at UNC-Chapel Hill.
In Fall 2023
The College of Arts and Sciences authorized a search for the final appointment included in the original cluster hire. This open-rank position in American Indian and Indigenous Studies aims to build upon ties to the Native peoples of present-day North Carolina through research and teaching focused on Native peoples located in North Carolina today or on nations with ties to the land within what is now North Carolina.
More Information
If you are interested in learning more about, or applying to this faculty position please see the position posting.